
Michael J Belvin’s stories in ‘SECRET TOLD & REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES BY THE SILENT DRIVER’ are simply compelling real-life stories, Each story is a ride that takes the readers on a rollercoaster filled with uncertainties of life, the realities and chances of meeting people of all sorts during the ride and then ends abruptly.

James P

An eye-opening read! Michael does a remarkable job in giving insight into the hidden society of taxi drivers through touching stories that linger in the readers’ minds after they are done with the book.

Emma W

This I could not lay down for it was such an interesting piece of work. ‘SECRET TOLD & REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES BY THE SILENT DRIVER’ is indeed a very interesting compilation of tales that gives a raw look through the eyes of a taxi driver. Highly recommended!

Alex K

Michael J Belvin's book is a portrayal of incredible strength and kindness in the least expected locations. Every story serves as a constant representation of people’s potential for making the best out of any situation that they face.

Rebecca S